In our Acute Constipation article, we discussed how many people have transient constipation due to changes in diet or routine. The Acute Constipation Protocol can help produce a bowel movement in these situations.
What is considered constipation?
The healthiest intestinal transit time is 11 to 12 hours. Intestinal transit time varies for each person. In the US, average transit time today is between 12 and 48 hours due to lack of fiber and highly processed foods in the typical diet. Longer than 48 hours can mean constipation, and measures should be taken to get the bowels moving more regularly. If you are constipated, get things moving using our
Acute Constipation Protocol
and then use our
Regular Bowel Movement Protocol
to have bowel movements on a regular basis.
How do I know if my poop is “normal”?
The Bristol Stool Scale was developed to help doctors communicate with patients about bowel movements to determine if they are healthy. You can view a Bristol StoolScale
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_stool_scale#/media/File:BristolStoolChart.png and see if your bowel movements reflect good bowel health.
When your digestive system is working properly, it should be easy to poop. You should not need to strain or have discomfort while going, and you should be able to go to the bathroom readily.
It’s not a good idea to withhold the urge to have a bowel movement on a regular basis. This can cause constipation because the water in your colon will be reabsorbed, causing your poop to become dry, hard, and more difficult to pass. Withholding the urge on a regular basis will also cause the nerves that “give you the urge” to lessen, signaling your brain,which will also lead to constipation because you miss the opportunity when your body is ready to go. Becoming constipated can lead to straining, which can lead to hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and other problems.
A healthy diet is the best way to maintain regular bowel movements and avoid constipation. If you are consuming a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, healthy fats, and plenty of water, your body is supplied with what it needs to go regularly. We discussed some of the possible health consequences of constipation in the
Acute Constipation Protocol.
Sometimes we need a little help in addition to our diet to maintain regularity. Our
RegularBowel Movement Protocol
recommends natural supplements that help achieve and maintain regularity.
What can help to maintain regularity?
Soluble fiber absorbs water and helps to add bulk to the stool because it is not fully digested. This makes the stool softer and easier to pass. The fiber in our protocol has the added benefit of often reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and helping to regulate blood sugar levels. It can also help regulate weight by keeping you feeling full longer. The fiber we recommend can improve the gut microbiota (good bacteria) as well.
Probiotics help relieve constipation.
Studies were analyzed for validity and combined to show that probiotics decreased gut transit time on average by 12.4 hours, increased stool frequency by 1.3 times per week, and improved stool consistency. Another
study showed a 10-40 % improvement in the elderly. We have chosen the number one, doctor recommended probiotic. Probiotics are good for many other aspects of health as well because they nourish the microbiome. Our bodies contain 1.3:1 bacteria to cells! You can see why having good bacteria is so important to our wellbeing.
Prebiotics help to feed the bacteria in your gut, which not only helps with maintaining regularity but also general health due to supporting the gut microbiome. The product in our protocol provides fiber plus oligosaccharides.
Studies show the prebiotics are fermented by the anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine and cause beneficial changes to the composition and activity of gut microflora. These benefits include improved immunity, reduced inflammation, and protection from harmful bacteria and other pathogens, to name a few.
Peppermint oil
helps relieve intestinal cramping and discomfort. Studies show that it works as an antispasmodic to provide relief.
Do not ever take straightpeppermint oil. The Regular BowelMovement Protoco l , provides helpful information on what type ofpeppermint to take and how to take it.
Drinking warm water and finding ways to relax will also help increase peristalsis (the rhythmics queezing of your intestines to move material through). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27684632
Whether you need assistance with regular bowel movements or acute constipation, our protocols can help get you into a ‘regular’ routine.
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