A 15 - 25-minute heated water massage session has the following benefits:
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A 25 - 55-minute heated water massage session has the following benefits:
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Having the HydroMassage has been a boost to my health and well-being. Without hesitation I will recommend the HydroMassage to anyone who wants to relax and reduce stress, as well as relieve aches and pains.”
My Rating:★★★★★
Lee I.
Tried the HydroMassage chair and I am contemplating getting one for home. Spent an hour relaxing and moving the jets over hard to get spots. I feel like I can run a marathon! Will be scheduling a follow up appointment again.
My Rating:★★★★★
Denis K.
HydroMassage therapy gives you a massage, without the inconvenience of getting undressed. Comparable to an effective shower massage without getting wet, HydroMassage therapy utilizes waves of water to offer a cutting-edge experience that's a terrific complement to chiropractic treatment.
Massages help with overall wellness and is recognized as an important component of a healthy lifestyle. HydroMassage therapy benefits in chiropractic clinics include:
HydroMassage therapy beds are most commonly used prior to a chiropractic adjustment, however, some patients also like to use it before leaving the chiropractic office.
HydroMassage therapy beds are easily maintained, as the HydroMassage cover is waterproof. After each HydroMassage water massage treatment, sanitizer cleaning wipes or spray is used to clean the surface.
Covid Policy... CFC Remains Committed to Your Health and Safety...
Based on new MDHHS and MIOSHA guidelines updated 1/2022, wearing of face masks in this clinic is optional and we will supply a mask for you if requested.
Cromwell Family Chiropractic | No Surprise Act 2022
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