"Experience the transformative power of wellness as your body heals and thrives, leading to boundless vitality, vibrant health, and an enhanced quality of life. Embrace the journey to a healthier, happier you!"
Ask Yourself These 7 Questions:
1. Have you tried all of the conservative care first?
Pain Management Techniques
When Back Pain is due to Scar Tissue
If a complete physical exam and diagnostic imaging indicates that the patient’s back pain or leg pain is due to a nerve root bound by scar tissue, the treatment options are fairly limited.
• In the early postoperative period (3 to 12 months), medications such as Neurontin may help limit back pain or leg pain, and exercises can help free up the nerve.
Beyond this time period, pain management techniques may help the patient cope with the back pain or leg pain. All of the above-describe techniques for coping with chronic back pain make use of four types of skills…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a complete system of healthcare focused on restoring, preserving, and optimizing health by natural hands-on care.
Where conventional or “allopathic” medicine focuses on curing illness through surgery and pharmaceuticals, the goal of chiropractic is to optimize health with a non-invasive approach that does not use drugs or surgery. Chiropractic’s primary avenue of care is manipulation of the spine and the framework of the body.
The spine is an important structure that houses and provides protection for…
Complications of Spine Surgery
What lifestyle changes are recommended for low back pain?
Exercise and Physical Therapy
Physical activity plays a strong role in recovering from back pain and particularly in helping to prevent future pain and loss of function. An exercise program can include any or all of the following components: flexing, stretching, endurance training, strength building, and aerobic activity. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Exercise programs are individualized because people have different levels of pain and differing injuries that caused the pain initially.
Improving the strength, endurance, and function of your back helps minimize the chance of…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Regular exercises to restore the strength of your back and a gradual return to everyday activities. Open the document below to see instructions and images on how to perform these exercises…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
• Chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments keep the joints of the spine from interfering with the nerves that control healing and pain. Many surgeries have been prevented by chiropractic care. It is even more effective when combined with decompression therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, and/or yoga…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Certified and licensed massage therapists are well trained to safely massage patients before and after surgery. The improved blood flow, improved lymph drainage, and relaxed muscles help prepare the body for the trauma of surgery. Post-surgery healing is advanced in the same ways. Some believe that post-surgical pain is lessened by quality massage therapy.
Massage: Get in touch with its many benefits
By Mayo Clinic Staff
A soothing massage can help you unwind, but that’s not all. Explore the possible benefits of massage and what to expect. Massage is no longer available only through luxury spas and upscale health clubs. Today, massage therapy is offered…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Cromwell Family Chiropractic Massage Therapy
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a technique in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body—most often by inserting thin needles through the skin. It is one of the practices used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Results from a number of studies suggest that acupuncture may help ease types of pain that are often chronic such as low-back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis/knee pain. It also may help reduce the…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
By Mayo Clinic Staff
If your pain doesn’t improve with self-care measures, your doctor may suggest;
To control pain associated with spinal stenosis, your doctor may prescribe:
• NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Some NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve), are available without prescription.
• Muscle relaxants. Medications such as cyclobenzaprine (Amrix, Flexeril) can calm the muscle spasms that sometimes occur with spinal stenosis.
• Antidepressants. Nightly doses of tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, can help ease chronic pain.
• Anti-seizure drugs. Some anti-seizure drugs, such as gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise) and pregabalin (Lyrica), are used to reduce pain caused by damaged nerves.
• Opioids. Drugs such as oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet, others) and hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin, others) contain substances related to codeine and can be habit-forming…
Complications of Spine Surgery
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By Mayo Clinic Staff
Cortisone shots are injections that may help relieve pain and inflammation in a specific area of your body. Cortisone shots are most commonly given into joints — such as your ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, spine and wrist. Even the small joints in your hands and feet may benefit from cortisone shots. Cortisone shots usually include a corticosteroid medication and a local anesthetic. In many cases, cortisone shots can be administered in your doctor’s office. However, the number of cortisone shots you can receive in one year generally is limited because of potential side effects from the medication.
Cortisone shots carry a risk of complications, such as…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Anyone who engages in heavy lifting should take precautions when lifting and bending.
• If an object is too heavy or awkward, get help.
• Spread your feet apart to give yourself a wide base of support.
• Stand as close as possible to the object being lifted.
Bend at the knees, not at the waist. As you move up and down, tighten stomach muscles and tuck buttocks in so that the pelvis is rolled under and the spine remains in a natural “S’ curve. (Even when not lifting an object, always try to…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
The way a person moves, stands, or sleeps plays a major role in back pain.
• Maintaining good posture is very important. This means keeping the ears, shoulders, and hips in a straight line with the head up and stomach pulled in. It is best not to stand for long periods of time. If it is necessary, walk as much as possible and wear shoes without heels, preferably with cushioned soles. Use a low foot stool and alternate resting each foot on top of it.
Sitting puts the most pressure on the back. Chairs should either have straight backs or low-back support. If possible, chairs should swivel to avoid twisting at the waist, have arm rests, and adjustable backs. While sitting…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
The cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral curvatures and the intervertebral disks absorb and distribute stresses that occur from everyday activities such as walking or from more intense activities such as running and jumping and lifting.
If any of these curves are altered by continuous malposition they put constant pressure on critical nerves that …
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
The lumbar laminectomy is designed to remove a small portion of the bone over the nerve root and/or disc material from under the nerve root to give the nerve root more space and a better healing environment.
The lumbar laminectomy (open decompression) differs from a microdiscectomy in that the incision is longer and there is more muscle stripping.
• First, the back is approached through a two-inch to five-inch long incision in the midline of the back, and the left and right back muscles (erector spinae) are dissected off the lamina on both sides and at multiple levels.
• After the spine is approached, the lamina is removed (laminectomy), allowing visualization of the nerve roots.
• The facet joints, which are directly over the nerve roots, may then be undercut (trimmed) to give the nerve roots more room.
Post laminectomy, patients are in the hospital for one to three days, and the individual patient’s mobilization (return to normal activity) is largely dependent on his/her pre-operative condition and age.
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
ACDF: Anterior Cervical Discetomy & Fusion
A cervical disc herniation can be removed through an anterior approach (through the front of the neck) to relieve spinal cord or nerve root pressure and alleviate corresponding pain, weakness, numbness and tingling.
• This procedure is called an anterior cervical discectomy and allows the offending disc to be surgically removed. A discectomy is a form of surgical decompression, so the procedure may also be called an anterior cervical decompression.
• A fusion surgery is almost always done at the same time as the discectomy in order to stabilize the cervical segment.
• Together, the combined surgery is commonly referred to as an ACDF surgery, which stands for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion.
While this surgery is most commonly done to treat a symptomatic cervical herniated disc, it may also be done for…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Discectomy is done to remove a herniated disc from the spinal canal. When a disc herniation occurs, a fragment of the normal spinal disc is dislodged. This fragment may press against the spinal cord or the nerves that surround the spinal cord. This pressure causes the symptoms that are characteristic of herniated discs, including electric shock pain, numbness/tingling, and weakness.
The surgical treatment of a herniated disc is to remove the fragment of spinal disc that is causing the pressure on the nerve. This procedure is called a discectomy. The traditional surgery is called an open discectomy. An open discectomy is an operation where…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
In a microdiscectomy or microdecompression spine surgery, a small portion of the bone over the nerve root and/or disc material from under the nerve root is removed to relieve neural impingement and provide more room for the nerve to heal. A microdiscectomy is typically performed for a herniated lumbar disc and is actually more effective for treating leg pain (also known as radiculopathy) than lower back pain. Impingement on the nerve root (compression) can cause …
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Each of us is constantly in a battle—with gravity! A frequent casualty is the soft disc material that separates each spinal bone. Pressure from our weight, trauma from an accident and other causes can increase the pressure on a weakened disc. In extreme cases, the soft pulpy center of the disc can escape. That can be quite painful.
We use the latest technology to help relieve the effects of back pain due to herniated and degenerated discs. Since discs are constantly under weight-bearing pressure, they…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
A nerve block relieves pain by interrupting how pain signals are sent to your brain. It is done by injecting a substance, such as alcohol or phenol, into or around a nerve or into the spine.
Nerve blocks may be used for several purposes, such as:
• To determine the source of pain.
• To treat painful conditions.
• To predict how pain will respond to long-term treatments.
• For short-term pain relief after some surgeries and other procedures.
• For anesthesia during some smaller procedures, such as finger surgery.
Nerve blocks are used to treat chronic pain when drugs or other treatments do not control pain or…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Fig 1: X-ray of pedicle screws in place (lateral view) during spinal fusion
A spinal fusion surgery is designed to stop the motion at a painful vertebral segment, which in turn should decrease pain generated from the joint.
There are many approaches to lumbar spinal fusion surgery, and all involve the following process:
• Adding bone graft to a segment of the spine
• Set up a biological response that causes the bone graft to grow between the two vertebral elements to create a bone fusion
• The boney fusion – which results in one fixed bone replacing a mobile joint – stops the motion at that joint segment
For patients with the following conditions, if abnormal and…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Since many people have evidence of disk degeneration on their MRI scans, it is not always easy to tell if the finding on this MRI scan explains pain the patient may be experiencing. Discography is a test that is used to help determine whether an abnormal disk seen on MRI explains someone’s pain. When performed, it is generally reserved for patients who did not experience relief from other therapies, including surgery.
This procedure requires injections into disks suspected of being the source of pain and disks nearby. It can be painful. There is controversy among physicians who take care of…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
There are multiple methods for obtaining a spinal fusion, but the gold standard is a posterolateral gutter fusion. This type of spinal fusion, which involves placing bone graft in the posterolateral portion of the spine (a region just outside the spine), has a long history and is considered by many surgeons to be the…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Percutaneous Disc Decompression (PDD) is a disc decompression method that works by
removing disc tissues and reducing the internal pressure in a herniated disc. Reducing
the pressure creates a partial vacuum that enables the disc to suck the herniation inside
and re-absorb the tissue. This procedure is primarily used to remove…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
While laminectomy is by far the most common type of surgery for spinal stenosis, there are other available surgical options including:
• Foraminotomy
• Laminotomy
• Interspinous process spacer
• Microendoscopic decompression
Like a laminectomy, the goal of these surgical options is to decompress…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
The most commonly performed injection is an epidural steroid injection. In this approach, a steroid is injected directly around the dura, the sac around the nerve roots that contains cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that the nerve roots are bathed in). Prior to the injection, the skin is anesthetized by using a small needle to numb the area in the low back (a local anesthetic).
Epidural Injections Help Reduce Inflammation
Injecting around the dura sac with steroid can markedly decrease inflammation associated with common conditions such as spinal stenosis, disc herniation, or degenerative disc disease. It is thought that there is also a flushing effect from the injection that helps remove or…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Cervical spine surgery is generally performed on an elective basis to treat either:
• Nerve/spinal cord impingement (decompression surgery)
• Spinal instability (fusion surgery).
The two procedures are often combined, as a decompression may de-stabilize the spine and create the need for a fusion to add stability. Spinal instrumentation (such as a small plate) can also be used to help add stability to the…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
While physicians agree on many things about spine fusion surgery, there are some areas that lack consensus. Two such areas are:
• The type of bone used (autograft vs. allograft), and
• How many levels should be fused
What Bone Type Should Be Used with the Fusion?
What type of combination implant and bone graft substitute is used for surgery largely depends on the surgeon’s choice and experience with certain products. Cost, risk, availability, safety and postoperative morbidity are all factors…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Failed back surgery syndrome (also called FBSS, or failed back syndrome) is a misnomer, as it is not actually a syndrome – it is a very generalized term that is often used to describe the condition of patients who have not had a successful result with back surgery or spine surgery and have experienced continued pain after surgery. There is no equivalent term for failed back surgery syndrome in any other type of surgery (e.g. there is no failed cardiac surgery syndrome, failed knee surgery syndrome, etc.).
There are many reasons that a back surgery may or may not work, and even with the best surgeon and for the best indications, spine surgery is no more than…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
A comprehensive physical examination and appropriate diagnostic imaging techniques can often pinpoint the responsible pathology – the underlying cause – of the patient’s pain. For instance, a definitive diagnosis of recurrent disc herniation or other disorders may be made.
In a number of cases, however, an MRI scan reveals only the presence of…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Axial low back pain can vary widely. It can be a sharp or dull pain, it can be felt constantly or intermittently, and the pain can range from mild to severe.
The most common type of axial back pain is “mechanical” and is characterized as:
• Low back pain that gets worse with certain activities (e.g. certain sports)
• Low back pain that gets worse with certain positions (e.g. sitting for long periods)
• Low back pain that is relieved by rest
Axial pain represents the most common type of…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
What is low back pain?
Pain in the low back (waistline or below) is a very common problem and affects 80 percent of Americans at some time in their lives. Back pain is one of the most frequent reasons people seek medical care.
It is important to remember that back pain is…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Low back pain with referred pain can vary widely with regards to severity and quality. It tends to be achy, dull and migratory (moves around). It tends to come and go and often varies in intensity. It can result from the identical injury or problem that causes simple axial back pain and is often no more serious.
Area of Pain Distribution
Referred pain is usually felt in the low back area and tends to radiate into the groin, buttock and upper thigh. The pain often moves around, and rarely radiates below the knee. This type of low back pain is not as common …
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Spinal Stenosis Could be the Source of Persistent Back Pain
ROCHESTER, Minn. — When back pain is persistent or slowly worsens, spinal stenosis may be the culprit, according to the January issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter.
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing in one or more areas of the spine. Different types of problems can reduce the space within the spinal canal. Most are age related. One cause is osteoarthritis, which results in wearing away of the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in the joints. In the spine, osteoarthritis may narrow the space between the vertebrae. Bony growths or disk bulges may…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
While the term “stenosis” comes from Greek and means “choking,” spinal stenosis, however, has little in common with choking. So what is spinal stenosis?
There are two types of spinal stenosis: lumbar stenosis and cervical stenosis. While lumbar spinal stenosis is more common, cervical spinal stenosis is often more dangerous because it involves compression of the spinal cord, as explained below in more detail.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis vs. Cervical Spinal Stenosis
• In lumbar stenosis, the spinal nerve roots in the lower back are compressed, or choked, and this can produce symptoms of sciatica — tingling, weakness or…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Written by Jason M. Highsmith, MD
Back surgery is usually an elective surgery. The exception is when there is an emergency or rare condition such as a tumor, infection, cauda equina syndrome, or trauma that causes damage to the spinal cord. But these situations are truly rare. Generally, it is up to you and your doctor to determine whether or not back surgery is the right choice for your particular condition.
Most back surgery is done to relieve pressure from the nerve or stabilize a segment of the spine. Diagnostic tests will…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Excerpt from Wrong-level surgery: A unique problem in spine surgery
John Hsiang Department of Spine Center
Swedish Neuroscience Institute
550 17th Ave., Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98122, USA
No spine surgeon, no matter how experienced he or she is, dares to say wrong-level spine surgery would never happen to him or her. One can argue wrong site surgery or wrong side surgery is purely due to carelessness of the surgeon. On the other hand, the unique anatomy of the spine can be a set-up of wrong level surgery performed even when the surgeon pays a conscious effort…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Written by Ralph F Rashbaum, MD
Orthopaedic spine surgeon Ralph Rashbaum, MD continues his discussion about failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). In this segment, Dr. Rashbaum explains his approach to proper patient care when back surgery is not successful.
SpineUniverse: When a patient comes to you and their surgery was not successful, what do you do?
Dr. Rashbaum: We find out what went wrong. Typically, the patients I see that clearly have failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) go back to their doctor, only to find that their doctors are…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Cromwell Family Chiropractic Massage Therapy
Written by Ralph F Rashbaum, MD
Ralph Rashbaum, MD, an orthopaedic spine surgeon answers questions posed by SpineUniverse about failed back surgery syndrome. In this segment, Dr. Rashbaum explains when surgery is not elective and important considerations for both patients and surgeons.
SpineUniverse: You’re an orthopedic surgeon, yet a big proponent of non-surgical intervention. Can you explain why?
Dr. Rashbaum: One of the biggest problems I deal with in a patient population is the possibility of recurrence of the pain, for whatever reason. Our job as interventionists is to keep patients…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Effect of sustained loading on the water content of intervertebral discs: implications for disc metabolism
The fluid content of the intervertebral disc is not constant but varies with external load and load history. When a load is applied to a disc, resulting in a stress that exceeds the osmotic pressure of the tissue, fluid is expelled. The proteoglycan concentration and hence osmotic pressure are thus increased as fluid is lost, until equilibrium is reached and the osmotic pressure once again balances the applied stress. When the disc is unloaded, it imbibes fluid to achieve equilibrium. During daily activities, there is a…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
As you look into options for your back pain/spinal stenosis, you may want to read from medical experts on the pros and cons of surgery. Complications is a book written by a well-established medical/surgical specialist who is not a medical renegade nor a primadonna surgeon who views surgery as the only solution to all things health.
Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science
by Atul Gawande, MD (Author)
In vivid accounts of true cases, surgeon Atul Gawande explores the power and the limits
of medicine, offering an unflinching view from the scalpel’s edge. Complications lays
bare a science not in its idealized form but as it…
Complications of Spine Surgery
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Surgery is Based on the Right Level Chosen by the Surgeon.
Methods to Determine Correct Surgery
Surgical thinking regarding spinal issues is mainly focused on finding the right spinal level to work on in addition to choosing the correct method. So the method of evaluation is almost as important as the type of surgery chosen.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide very well-defined images of soft tissue and bone. The test is not painful or dangerous, but…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Diet—Are you eating a good diet to make sure the nutrients are available as you recover from surgery?
Exercise—Are you getting regular, planned exercise so your cardiovascular and Musculature systems are strong enough to maintain and heal? Regular exercises to restore the strength of your back and a gradual return to everyday activities. Open the document below to see instructions and images on how to perform these exercises…
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Immune system is needed for tissue healing.
Complications of Spine Surgery
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Perfect – what about the original cause? Ask your doctor.
No Change? What do you do now? Ask your doctor.
Gets worse? What do you do now? Ask your doctor.
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
Complications of Spine Surgery
Risk Free Decompression Therapy
"I didn't realize how much my previous chiropractor was neglecting my needs until I came to Cromwell Family Chiropractic. He x-rayed me immediately and set up a treatment plan. After I started decompression, I noticed my back pain disappeared more quickly and I stayed pain free for longer periods of time. I missed fewer days of work and was able to perform more physical activity. My easy-to-manage treatment plan (2 visits/month) continues today. Decompression was a game-changer!"
My Rating: ★★★★★
Gina B. / Chiropractic & Decompression Patient
"I’ve been going to Cromwell chiropractor for 2 months now for decompression therapy and adjustments. I’ve seen 3 out of the 4 chiropractors there. They all have their own techniques, but great! They’re definitely helping me with my bulging disc pain."
My Rating: ★★★★★
Tamara M. / Chiropractic & Decompression Patient
"I received decompression treatment over several months for my back pain. I didn't have instant relief, but over the weeks my back pain faded away. The treatments were relaxing. I had treatments two times a week.”
My Rating: ★★★★★
Irene Lang / Spinal Decompression and Chiropractic Care
"I have bi-weekly decompression and adjustments with Dr D. It’s really helped with my lower back."
My Rating: ★★★★★
Daniel B. / Chiropractic & Decompression Patient
"Dr. Tim has been taking care of me since last summer. I have not had any headaches since. The decompression did the trick."
My Rating: ★★★★★
Tamara M. / Chiropractic & Decompression Patient
“Does decompression work? Absolutely! After several years of going to neurologists with the only option suggested by them was surgery, that included rods and screws to relieve the lower back pain, numbness and tingling in my legs. I still did not want surgery. Then I heard about decompression as a seminar I attended. After moving furniture around, I called Dr. Wetherbee (Brighton office) for a needed adjustment. While there, asked if he knew about this procedure. "Yes, we do that at the Farmington office." The rest is history!
I can now put pants on standing up, climb stairs one step on each step (not two); going down also. My balance is back to normal (ie. Walking straight and not veering off to one side or the other.) Yes, decompression does work. It does take time, but well worth it. No surgery.”
My Rating: ★★★★★
"When I first started seeing Dr. Cromwell, I was hardly able to walk. I had such knee and back pain that I was in need of a cane for stability! Through intense therapy, at first, with adjustments and massage (Anna is the BEST!) then adding decompression therapy, I got a new lease on life!! I now come in twice a month (more if needed) for my decompression and adjustments! This is now part of my life! PS: I drive 40 miles, one way, to save my life!"
My Rating: ★★★★★
Mary M. / Chiropractic, Massage & Decompression Patient
“Since I started spinal adjustments and spinal decompression, my overall health and flexibility has increased. For instance, I have never had a 600 series in bowling. Now, I am bowling 700 series and qualifying for tournaments and looking forward to golfing this summer.”
My Rating: ★★★★★
Robert L. / Spinal Decompression and Chiropractic Care
"Adjustments and decompression have been very helpful with keeping me feeling much better."
My Rating: ★★★★★
Dee M. / Chiropractic & Decompression Patient
"This is a great place. I did the decompression therapy for 3 months, as well as got adjustments from Dr. Cromwell. If I were closer to this location, I'd be going all the time. Highly recommend this practice."
My Rating: ★★★★★
Molly B. / Chiropractic & Decompression Patient
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Based on new MDHHS and MIOSHA guidelines updated 1/2022, wearing of face masks in this clinic is optional and we will supply a mask for you if requested.
Cromwell Family Chiropractic | No Surprise Act 2022
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