Dr. Cromwell Answers: Can Constipation Make You Sick?

CFC Nutrition Coach • October 25, 2019

What is acute constipation?


Acute constipation is when you need to poop and can’t.

If you have a change in bowel habits and your body can regulate itself normally, you’re all set. For example, let’s say you usually go in the morning, but you got up four hours early for a flight and didn’t have a bowel movement. If you wake up the next morning and go, you’re all set.

However, if your body rebels and you don’t go the next morning, you could be in for rough time. If this is how your body normally responds to changes, you might want to have a plan in place or you could be in for a very uncomfortable time, especially if you are traveling.

Regular bowel movements are important because, as we mentioned, it can be very uncomfortable to be constipated. It can also cause serious health conditions if it happens on a regular basis.

If left untreated, constipation can cause a great deal of pain and even lead to an emergency room visit. The average cost per person for emergency room visits due to constipation was $2,306! The aggregate national cost of constipation-related ER visits was $1,622,624,341 in 2014 dollars! Article

What is in poop?

Poop consists of waste the body needs to eliminate from the body. It can include water, undigested food, bacteria, salts, toxins and other substances. When a person becomes constipated the poop becomes dehydrated and hard, making it more difficult to pass.

What causes constipation?


  • A diet low in fiber
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Lack of exercise
  • Travel or another change in routine
  • Eating large amounts of milk or cheese
  • Stress or resisting the urge to have a bowel movement
  • Medications
  • Strong pain medicines such as narcotics
  • Antidepressants
  • Antacids containing calcium or aluminum such as TUMS
  • Iron pills
  • Allergy medications such as antihistamines
  • Certain blood pressure medicines
  • Psychiatric medications
  • Herbal supplements
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Pregnancy
  • Neurologic disorders including spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Slow transit of the colon

Constipation can also be caused by unbalanced intestinal microbiota, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and other conditions. Article

What should I do for acute constipation?

Acute constipation can be taken care of with natural supplements that usually do not cause the uncomfortable side effects that laxatives can.

As mentioned earlier, if you know your body might rebel and not produce a bowel movement under certain conditions, it’s best to take care of it right away or the stool will become more and more difficult to pass as it loses water and becomes denser.

Research shows that the following can help alleviate acute constipation and produce a bowel movement:

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • MCT Oil

Peppermint oil can also help with intestinal cramping (never use straight peppermint oil, always use diluted).

It is estimated that a high percentage of our current population is deficient in magnesium. This has a lot to do with the standard American diet that is lacking in many nutrients, as well as the depletion of minerals from the high-yield farming methods that are being used today.

Magnesium helps to bring water back into the colon and soften the stool. Article -Taking magnesium citrate for acute constipation can often provide quick relief overnight. You can start with 150-300 mg at bed time.

Large amounts of vitamin C can have a laxative side effect and provide relief fairly quickly . Most people have heard of Dr. Linus Pauling and his research on higher doses of vitamin C. One of the side effects of high doses of vitamin C are looser stool. Everyone’s body is different, and you should start slow to see how your body reacts, but most people will have a bowel movement after taking 2,000-4,000 mg to help with constipation.

If your body is not accustomed to taking MCT oil , this can also provide quick relief. If you are a regular coffee drinker, try adding 1 – 2 tablespoons to your morning coffee.

Peppermint oil can help to relieve intestinal cramping and discomfort. Studies show that it works as an antispasmodic to provide relief. Article

Do not ever take straight peppermint oil. We’ve selected the Peppermint Spirits because they are a safe and effective way to take peppermint.

Drinking warm water and finding ways to relax will also help increase peristalsis (the rhythmic squeezing of your intestines to move material through). Article

Whether you need constipation relief today or solutions for situations where it might happen to you, this protocol will offer support to help your body naturally.

Once you have a bowel movement, go to our Regular Bowel Movement Protocol and learn how to maintain regularity. Your poop should be fairly soft and easy to pass. If it isn’t, you need to visit our Regular Bowel Movement Protocol page to learn how to get your digestive system working properly.


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