The benefits of chiropractic treatment for the elderly are numerous. One of the most popular benefits is pain relief. Studies show that patients with low back pain get better improvements after receiving treatments from a chiropractor than other medical and non-medical treatments.
Many elderly people suffer from joint and muscle issues and chronic inflammation is the leading cause. A chiropractic adjustment has been shown to reduce chronic inflammation and can ease joint and lower back pain. Patients who are suffering from pain and/or inflammation should consider receiving chiropractic treatments.
At any age (especially elderly) the nervous system is the more important part of the body. It controls all of the body’s systems and functions, including the immune system. When the nerve system is disrupted it affects how the body’s cells function. This results in a bad immune response causing irregular swelling and chronic pain.
Chiropractic adjustments relieve the nerve system disruption so chronic pain and inflammation goes down in people of all ages.
Call our office today for your individual spinal health evaluation at (248) 477-1492
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Based on new MDHHS and MIOSHA guidelines updated 1/2022, wearing of face masks in this clinic is optional and we will supply a mask for you if requested.
Cromwell Family Chiropractic | No Surprise Act 2022
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