Phytomulti has a proprietary doctor recommended blend of 13 concentrated extracts and phytonutrients with scientifically tested biological activity to support cellular health and overall wellness. It is available with iron ( Phytomulti w/ iron ) or without iron ( Phytomulti w/o iron ), in capsule ( Phytomulti ) and chewable form ( Multigenics Chewable Orange ). It has methylated B vitamins to support methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) SNPs (2).
(Click the item to purchase)
Ther-Biotic Probiotics (choose 1 of 2)
(Click the item to purchase)
OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 720 Quality is important when it comes to OMEGA 3 Supplement. OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 720 provides great OMEGA 3 support that is third party tested for purity and is derived from sustainably sourced cold-water fish. Purity is important so there is no risk of mercury contamination from its fish source.
(Click the item to purchase)
Evac Psyllium Prebiotic - is a prebiotic that also is a bulk forming fiber. Prebiotics help to feed the good bacteria in your gut for a healthy microbiome. The psyllium also increases necessary regularity of bowels (5).
(Click the item to purchase)
(If you have low vitamin levels, add this also)
Vitamin D3 by Klaire Labs - Make sure to have your vitamin D level checked. Most natural doctors like to see a level between 50 and 80 ng/mL. High quality Klaire Labs Vitamin D3 provides 5,000 IU of vitamin D3. According to the Endocrine Society, 41.4% of our US population is classified as “insufficient” in vitamin D and 28.9% are considered deficient (4).
(Click the item to purchase)
Covid Policy... CFC Remains Committed to Your Health and Safety...
Based on new MDHHS and MIOSHA guidelines updated 1/2022, wearing of face masks in this clinic is optional and we will supply a mask for you if requested.
Cromwell Family Chiropractic | No Surprise Act 2022
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