Psyllium is a bulk forming fiber that is also a prebiotic. It has other health benefits. Start with 1 tsp in a large glass of water. Can work up to 3x/day, each in a full glass of water.
Studies show that constipation is common if people do not have intestinal microbiota diversity. Probiotics help populate the gut. Begin with 1 capsule, with food or before bed (can work up to 2/day).
This includes fructooligosaccharides that feed the good bacteria in the gut. Check with your doctor if you have unbalanced gut bacteria. One scoop 1-3x/day each in a glass of water is recommended.
Studies show that peppermint oil can relieve intestinal cramping. Take one dropper in water 2-5 times per day; in between meals is best.
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Based on new MDHHS and MIOSHA guidelines updated 1/2022, wearing of face masks in this clinic is optional and we will supply a mask for you if requested.
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