Supplementation Plan by CFC Doctors

The American diet does not provide all the necessary nutrients our bodies need. While chiropractic care helps our digestion improve, while proper rest and exercise can improve G.I. efficiency, it is usually beneficial to target nutritional supplements that address specific cellular needs.

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Healing comes from within...

and requires proper nerve communication and proper nutrients to make the healing cells, rebuilding cells, hormone making cells, energy cells, nerve cells, etc. function at their maximum efficiency.
  • Supplementation of quality nutrients enhances your nerve and cellular function.
  • Chiropractic adjustments improve your nerve and cellular function.
  • Supplements and chiropractic together make your nerve and cells function even better yet.
Over the past 25 years of practice our doctors have investigated and found that certain supplements improve spinal stability and help support chiropractic adjustments. Following are our recommendations for supplements arranged by condition.

(Discover supplements by Health Interest - Click on the BUTTONS below)

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We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

Glucosamine Sulfate * 300-500mg 3x/day

• Stimulate chondrocytes

• Improve hydration and flexibility of cartilage

Chondroitin * 800-2000mg divided doses 2x/day

• Help maintain joint viscosity

• Stimulate cartilage repair

• Reduce cartilage destruction

Hyaluronic Acid

• Building blocks of cartilage creation

MSM * (Methylsulfonylmethane) 1000-3000mg 1x/day

• Inhibit joint degeneration

• Stabilize cell membranes and scavenge free radicals

• Can reduce pain of osteoarthritis

Also found in fresh fruit and vegetables


• Help joint repair

• Anti-oxidant effects

SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine)

• Anti-inflammatory

• Analgesic (pain relieving)


(Choose Two in this Section)
We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

(Minimum 400mg DHA per day; minimum 800mg EPA per day)

• Help control the timing of inflammation process so it does not begin before it should… nor stop before it should

• Reduce pathological proteins

Combined with glucosamine chondroitin 

reduces morning stiffness and pain the best

Krill Oil

• 300 mg/day reduces inflammation markers (c-reactive protein) 15-30% and pain up to 30% and stiffness up to 20%

Undenatured Type II Collagen

  • Protect exposed joint cartilage

Bosweillia Serrata with Curcumin

• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function


• Reduce pain and swelling and improve function

Soy & Avocado Oil

• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function

Korean Angelica Extract

• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function

Bromelain (Enteric Coated)

• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function

Vitamin D

• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function

Topical Olive Oil

• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function


• Reduce pain and swelling and can improve joint function


(Choose Two in this Section)
We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

Natural Vitamin C (not ascorbic acid)

• Reduce oxidative stress which causes inflammation and pain

Milk Thistle

• Reduce oxidative stress which causes inflammation and pain

Green Tea (beware of the caffeine)

• Reduce oxidative stress which causes inflammation and pain

Keratin (helps joint repair also)

• Reduce oxidative stress which causes inflammation and pain


We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

Calcium 600-1200mg/day

• Calcium is the main mineral of bone; suppresses bone resorption

• Calcium Glycinate Chelate has a high absorption rate take with vitamin 

• Calcium Fructoborate has a high absorption rate; also helps with cardiovascular function

• Recommended dose is 600-1200mg per day; taken at night with Vitamin D

• Plant Based Calcium from algae is an easily absorbed form of calcium as the calcium and minerals found in algae are pre-digested by the algae making the calcium and minerals more bioavailable. 

• 800-1200mg/day 

Vitamin D3 2000-4000mg/day

• Significant nutrient for 23 of the body’s organs

• Triggers absorption of Calcium in the intestine; recommended to be taken in evening with Calcium

• Triggers Deposition of Calcium into bones

• Ask MD for Serum 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D blood test; Recommended serum level is 30-50mg/ml

Magnesium 200-400mg/day

• Increases bone formation and reduces resorption of Calcium

• Combined Calcium Glycinate and Magnesium Glycinate in one supplement saves money and number of daily pills

Vitamin K2 MK-7 form 45-90mcg/day

• Regulates Bone Mineralization

• Builds protein matrix of bone

• Decreases activity of bone reabsorbing cells

• Discuss with MD; if taking Warfarin 

Silica 5-10mg/day

• Improves bone protein production

Boron 3-9 mg/day

• Borate inhibits calcium resorption and stimulates bone formation

• Take as Calcium Fructoborate (see Calcium)

Zinc 15-30mg/day

• Enhances bone production

• Limit supplementation to 30mg per day

Calcium Collagen Chelate 3000mg/day

• Increase strength of bone

• Most effective form of calcium

Omega-3 fatty acids 1400 EPA/day Plus 1000 DHA/day

• Decreases Bone Resorption

• Increases bone formation

• Improves calcium balance

• Anti-inflammatory effects

• Antioxidant

Curcumin 400mg/day

• Improves bone density and decreases Calcium Resorption

Resveratrol 250mg/day

• Improves bone density and decreases Calcium Resorption

Quercetin 250mg/day

• Improves bone density and decreases Calcium Resorption

Berberine 25mg/day from 250mg Goldenseal

• Improves bone density and decreases Calcium Resorption


(Choose One in this Section)
We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

DHEA 15-30mg/day

• Improves bone density and decreases Calcium Resorption

Isoflavones 52-+104mg/day

• Improves bone density and decreases Calcium Resorption

Vitamin C

• Improves protein production, bone forming cells and bone mineralization

Keratin (helps joint repair also)

• Reduce oxidative stress which causes inflammation and pain


(Choose Two in this Section)
We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

Vitamin E

• Improves protein production, bone forming cells and bone mineralization


We think life is better when you focus on Wellness.

Chitosan 600-1800mg/day

• Derived from shellfish -binds fat to intestinal contents. Works even better when taken with ascorbic acid. (This is the only time I will recommend ascorbic acid due to the fact that the research was conducted with ascorbic acid instead of naturally occurring vitamin C)

Soluble fiber 5-15 grams/day

• Psyllium is one of the best natural fiber supplements

• Also increase daily intake of oats, apples, lentils, barley, bread and cereals

• Increase daily intake of 2 of these: wheat bran, whole grains, fruits and vegetables

Probiotics Per label

• Increases normal gut flora (bacteria) to overpower damaging bacteria

• Per label instructions


• Promotes normal bowel movements. Are fermented by beneficial bacteria

• As fructo-oliosaccharides and inulin 500-1000mg/day

Multiple Herbal Formula 300-600mg/day

• Combination supplement with black radish, artichoke, deoxycholic acid, peppermint oil and wormwood

• This combination helps stimulate peristalsis, speed fat digestion, prevent food stagnation in the G.I. tract

Peppermint Oil Per label (sometimes part of a multi-herbal formula)

• Antispasmodic, can relax intestinal muscle

• Peppermint oil with black radish also increases mucus secretion in the colon

Vitamin C

• 1000-4000 daily

Glucomannan Per label

• Is a bulk forming fiber supplement from the konjac root

• May improve blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels

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