Sciatic Nerve Care Personalized Treatment Plans

Overwhelmed by the Pain & Discomfort?  We can help customize a treatment plan to immediately address the problems.  CALL US TODAY!

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  • What is Sciatica?

    This is the largest nerve you will find in your lower back. It’s called the Sciatic Nerve. When there is extremem pressure against this nerve, usually from a bulging disc, pain radiates typically down one side of the body. This is known as Sciatica.

  • What are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

    Here are the most common symptoms of Sciatica:

    • Varying degrees of sensations including burning, numbing, and tingling
    • Severe pain that is sudden
    • Pain that originates in the lower back and may extend into the leg(s)
    • Sharp pain
  • Is Chiropractic Care Effective for Sciatica?

    Chiropractic care is one of the safest and effective treatments to reduce and alleviate Sciatic nerve pain. Chiropractic adjustments will help to release the compression against the nerve, providing you with measurable comfort and relief.

Talk to us today!

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