Should You Take This Matter Seriously?

Homeostasis Health

Homeostasis is the ability of the body to return to a normal state when faced with a stressor.

As long as you are alive, every second of every day, homeostasis is at work.  Your nervous system is programmed to maintain homeostasis.  The cells (all 37 trillion of 'em) that make up all your body tissues are designed to contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis.  Every organ was intelligently placed in such a way that helps other organs do their job by responding to each stressor  the body faces.

A great example of homeostasis is your cardiovascular system.  If you were to run a quarter mile you would be putting your body under oxygen deprived stress.  Your body immediately responds by increasing your breathing to replenish the missing oxygen.  At the same time your heart rate elevates to pump blood to your arteries.  In addition, your blood pressure goes up to deliver fresh blood to the oxygen deprived muscles.  While the blood cells deliver oxygen they pick up carbon dioxide (toxic to the body) and returns it to the lungs to exhale.

This process continues for 15 minutes or so until your brain detects there is enough oxygen in the muscles and the carbon dioxide is removed from the body.  The brain sends messages via your spinal cord and nerves telling the heart and lungs to slow down which lowers your blood pressure.

Your body has maintained homeostasis without you consciously trying. 

Because of this intelligent response to stress and the millions of other homeostatic functions of your body, we do not have to do much to stay healthy throughout our lives.  However there are times...

What do we have to consciously do while taking homeostasis for granted? AKA - The 5 facets of health


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